Wednesday, January 13, 2016

30 Day Squat Challenge

Happy New Year Loves!  2016 here we come!
I am sure by now everyone has already decided on their New Year's resolutions and probably put some into effect, however, we have not.  Don't judge's been a busy start of the year.  Anyway, we are starting one of our resolutions today, which is:
Work on the booty and getting it nice and plump! 
We came across this 30 day squat challenge and decided what better way to start our fitness journey.

Join us and take this challenge! Let's see how much our bodies can change with dedication and hard work.

1) Take before pictures (we are taking ours today) so that we can then compare them to the after pictures.  It always helps to have before and after pictures because it's the best way to see your progress; 
2) We are our worst critic so do not look in the mirror after only a week and say, "oh I do not see any results, why am I doing this?"... Keep POSITIVE! Love yourself and your journey;
3) You are not alone in this challenge... we are with you!

Feel free to comment below letting us know that you are joining the challenge with us and keep us updated as to your progress.
Happy squatting!! 
Stephy & Sofia