Monday, December 28, 2015

Tip of the Day

Think before you speak.

People often forget the importance of thinking before they speak.  It is probably one of the hardest things to do, especially when you are filled with emotion.  We (people) have a tendency of blurting out what is on our mind before we have had a moment to calm down and think about things.  I myself am guilty of doing this, and afterward I feel HORRIBLE!!  Double whammy!  

Through the years, I have learned that over time people may forget what you said or what happened, but they will NEVER forget how you made them feel.

Let's all vow to try and think before we speak as we enter into 2016.



Stay blessed,

Stephy & Sofia

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Hello July!

Good Afternoon All:

Soooo, it's July... Hello July! Happy 1st of July! Let's make this a good month! Take a few minutes today to count at least 5 blessings.  It's always good to start off the month on a positive note.  Remember, positivity is contagious!  

Anyone else feel like the summer is flying by?! We sure do! It's been a crazy, busy work week, but we're excited about the upcoming three day weekend.  4th of July Baby!!  Any plans?

Well, we need to get back to work, so we'll end this post by saying.....

Hope you all enjoy the weekend with your friends and family, relax, have fun and of course watch some fireworks.  Wouldn't be the same without the fireworks.

xoxo, Stephy & Sofia 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Social Media: A Platform for our personal lives, really!!!

Good morning All:

Hope this finds everyone well.  The new technology era that we live in today is all about Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and help us out; What else is out there??  Should these social media outlets be a platform to air out all your personal struggles??  Stephy and I are questioning this right now.  We have a personal friend who is going through a life-altering situation and that same situation has been aired out to the world by another close friend.  What??????? Ok, we get it.  His intentions were good but what happened to privacy, respect, loyalty, true friendship, etc??

The world of social media is a great platform for networking, branding your business, branding yourself and what the heck; even gaining your 15 minutes of fame.  We are not hating on that!  Do you and bank on it if you can!  But don't air out someone else's personal life.  Heck! Don't even air out your own personal life.  Tweet about what you love/hate; instagram post a picture of you in front of a beautiful scenery; we don't know; go selfie crazy but do it within the boundaries of respect.  Respect yourself and others always.

Peace and Love Peeps!

Stephy and Sofia

Monday, June 22, 2015

Botched! Plastic Surgery; Should you or Shouldn't you?

Good Afternoon All:

Sooooooooooooooooo, Stephy and I are now obsessively addicted to the new plastic surgery show on E! Botched!  Some of the cases, are heart wrenching and others, just plain crazy.  To date, Kelsey's (uniboob queen) story has been most touching to us.  We truly feel her pain and are glad that Dr. Dubrow has been able to give her a normal life after all she has endured growing up.  But what about this blow up doll obsession that Katella has?  Now! That is outright insane.  

Are we thankful to Dr. Dubrow and Dr. Nassif's ability to allow people to be there best through plastic surgery??  Of course, we are!  But we are also thankful they are righteous enough to tell someone, "hey, enough is enough."  And what is so damn appealing about ugly blow up dolls anyway?  Really?  What is it?  We hope Katella stops while she is ahead.  Many people believe plastic surgery is not invasive at all, however, why do you think there is a team of doctors in with each patient??  I mean really!  

What do you all think?  Plastic surgery, Should you or Shouldn't you?

Stay blessed,

Stephy and Sofia