Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Hello July!

Good Afternoon All:

Soooo, it's July... Hello July! Happy 1st of July! Let's make this a good month! Take a few minutes today to count at least 5 blessings.  It's always good to start off the month on a positive note.  Remember, positivity is contagious!  

Anyone else feel like the summer is flying by?! We sure do! It's been a crazy, busy work week, but we're excited about the upcoming three day weekend.  4th of July Baby!!  Any plans?

Well, we need to get back to work, so we'll end this post by saying.....

Hope you all enjoy the weekend with your friends and family, relax, have fun and of course watch some fireworks.  Wouldn't be the same without the fireworks.

xoxo, Stephy & Sofia 

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